Technology overview

New Wave Energy presents a combination of new proprietary technologies designed to limit the risk, increase production, and reduce the environmental footprint at all stages of a reservoir’s life .

Too often fields are developed with inadequate appraisal and poor quality information on reservoir performance leading to lower than expected production profiles and disappointing financials. New Wave Energy has developed a cascade of technologies to address these issues.


Value Creation


We start with the highest quality imaging using the latest high-resolution  ocean bottom seismic. This provides a base dataset that is analysed to determine the hydrocarbon distribution using Acoustic Dispersivity (AD) analysis, and the permeability pathways using Permeability Diagnostic Services (PDS). This critical information allows new and established fields to be developed with more precision and with higher reserves. 

During production a low-cost highly sensitive surveillance system (SoundSabre) tracks the reservoir fluids and pressure changes to determine if any intervention is required or if any hydrocarbons are not being effectively produced.

Binding this together we have advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms which enable key reservoir metrics to be determined from large streamed datasets plus the smart interpretation of selected datasets for reservoir performance information.

New Wave Energy’s proprietary innovative technologies provide new information about reservoirs and reduces risks at all stages of a commercial reservoir’s life, reducing costs and creating $100’s millions of added value.

These technologies are equally applicable to offshore carbon capture and storage (CCS) opportunities making them more secure and cost effective, enabling such technologies to be commonplace for ensuring the transition to zero emissions.

Technology portfolio


A cascade of new proprietary technologies will provide key data and unique insights enabling more effective reservoir exploitation. All the NWE technologies have been exhaustively tested in many different settings. Briefly these include the following:

Acoustic Dispersivity (AD) analysis –Identifies the distribution of hydrocarbons within the reservoir using a unique and reliable realisation of seismic dispersion technology using high quality ocean bottom or broadband towed streamer data. A short article available here illustrates how dispersivity analysis can help to make a field development more cost-effective. It is based on public-access data from an Australian offshore oil-field.

Permeability Diagnostic Services (PDS) – Provides reliable estimates of reservoir permeability between well control data points. This technology is highly effective for predicting flow paths before production data is available and this unique technology is available to NWE.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) - Several approaches are used to integrate all newly derived and interpreted data with-well based control points. This provides accurate estimates of all reservoir parameters throughout the entire reservoir volume which can be used to generate updated reservoir models.

High Resolution Ocean Bottom Nodes (OBN) Seismic – A purely reservoir focussed approach has culminated in the design of NWE’s unique operational system delivering low cost yet superlative quality seismic in a highly efficient manner. Multi-functional ancillary equipment is deployed to allow a single vessel to acquire several types of survey combined in a single operation with significant reductions in overall carbon footprint.

Sound Sabre – A proprietary approach to Permanent Reservoir Monitoring (PRM) using time-lapse seismic data, providing monitoring pressure and fluid changes in the reservoir. This innovative, node-based system provides high definition monitoring of pressure and fluid changes essential to understanding reservoir performance and reserves recovery. The low-cost deployment of this technology means that it can be applied to fields of any size. The technology is illustrated here.

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) – The data obtained from a full NWE project is ideally suited to provide qualification and certification as to the suitability of any reservoir for long term secure storage