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NWE’s proprietary innovative technologies provide new accurate reservoir information creating huge additional value by optimization of all stages during “Life Of Field”, thereby reducing costs, creating $100’s millions of added value & creating CCS opportunities.

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New Wave Energy presents a combination of new proprietary technologies designed to limit the risk, increase production, and reduce the environmental footprint at all stages of a reservoir’s life .

Too often fields are developed with inadequate appraisal and poor quality information on reservoir performance leading to lower than expected production profiles and disappointing financials. New Wave Energy has developed a cascade of technologies to address these issues.

New Wave Energy’s proprietary innovative technologies provide new information about reservoirs and reduces risks at all stages of a commercial reservoir’s life, reducing costs and creating $100’s millions of added value.

These technologies are equally applicable to offshore carbon capture and storage (CCS) opportunities making them more secure and cost effective, enabling such technologies to be commonplace for ensuring the transition to zero emissions.